Double the Friendship!

A beautiful biking day! The day started with a bright blue sky (no fog) and a few degrees cooler than during the past week.

Alec and Jamie were mostly on a bike trail that covered the flat terrain with many soybean and corn farms along the way.

They are sticklers about covering every mile between Old Greenwich and Santa Clara University, so Gina drove them back 25 miles to where we had picked them up yesterday during a rainstorm. Today those 25 miles were no problem, and the boys easily rode the full 82 miles to Richmond, Indiana.

Gina leaves tomorrow for a while and I am going to miss my partner in crime!! She is the planner, the organizer, the one to call ahead and book hotels. Gina checks out the restaurants and makes sure there are healthy choices. She chooses the hotels closest to the bike trailheads where Jamie and Alec will arrive after a long day. And she makes the sports drink Jamie and Alec drink on the trail, as well as the gorp they carry with them to snack on. I’m not even sure what goes into those two, but know they are essential and she will leave me with the recipes.

Gina, we will miss you, but know you will come back refreshed and ready to take up your essential role when you return. Together we will find a cure!!

From here to a cure,
